
Hade friluftsdag och åkte pulka, vilket inte var någon höjdare. Delade ut glass i skolan på allahjärtansdag, åkte skridskor, tränade, hade dom bästa syslöjdslektionerna, åt b&j, hade sportlov och åkte in till stan och åt god mat. Minns jag inte helt fel var de också i februari vi sökte gymnasium.

Var på dejt med amanda, åt jädrans massa b&j, kladdkaka och andra onyttigheter. Hade picnick, deltog i en pisa undersökning, var utklädd clown och skolan var allmänt jobbig

Var på bio med mina saknade konfa tjejer, innebandy konfa, kämade på med träningen, var ute och sprang en del, shoppade i uppsala, bestämde mej för att heja på Färjestad och hälsade på nya skolan. spenderade sista april med bl.a louie och sov där.

Startade maj hemma hos louie med att grilla marsmallows, vädret var på topp, hade dansavslutning, var ute och sprang ganska mycket, gick i kyrkan, åt en del onyttigt, drog till göteborg på disco SM, fick våra klasströjor, var ute och åt o bowla med klassen, spenderade en dag överallt och ingenstans med linnea och jag om amanda skaffade nya kompisar.

Var på bio ett antal gånger, njööt av sista tiden som var kvar i 9an och grät i mängder när vi väl slutat. sommarlovet startade och jag hade det helt grymt bra. spelade en del kubb, spenderade massa tid med linnea, blev rädd som aldrig förr och konfirmanderna konfirmerades. tog också farväl till bästavän som som vanligt drog till sin stuga. njöööt av sommarlovet till fullaste alltså.

Var på flera sommarkvällar, var med bästa killkompisen, åt kladdkaka på stranden, drog upp till louies farmor och farfar för en dag. fick veta att jag kom in på mitt förstahandsval, måla om mitt rum, linnea kom hem igen, badade massor, hade en helt underbar kväll på stranden med nea, sparde ut mina naglar. försökte njuta av sommarlovet till fullo helt enkelt.

Drog till örebro och var in i största godis affären någonsin, naglarna fortsatte växa, var beroende av gossip girl och verkligen spenderade sista sommarlovsdagarna till fullo.
Sen var ju augusti en ganska speciell månad med tanke på att jag började gymnasiet, kände att jag hamna helt rätt och i en härlig klass. och ja kom tillbaka till skolan efter ett grymt sommarlov.

kämade på i skolan, tog skolfoto, tränade väldigt mycket, var på släktträff och umgicks med min treming jag inte sett sedan jag var liten, åt mycket onyttigt och var på roliga tävlingar.

Fortsatte kämpa på i skolan, tränade en del, var på fler skit roliga tävlingar, fick hem klasfotot, vann ett case. avslutade oktober med en tjejkväll med alla tjejer från klassen. Gick också bätre resultat mässigt på tävlingarna denna månad. Oktober var en månad med väldigt mycket dans och skola.

Dans tävlingarna blev bara roligare och roligare och jag och hanna var verkligen flumm, firade malin, var på en balett show och jag och louie gjode världens vurpa. Livet rullade på helt enkelt.

ett år sen nu...
Happiness comes in many forms - in the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else's dream come true, or in the promise of hope renewed. It's okay to let yourself be happy because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be.
There's no shame in being afraid. Hell, we're all afraid. What you gotta do is figure out what you're afraid of, because when you put a face on it you can beat it. Better yet, you can use it. Looking back on what I said all those years ago, all the hopes and dreams I had, I've come to the conclusion that if having things turn out the way you wanted them to is a measure of a successful life, then some would say I'm a failure.
Did you ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many people have pictures of you.
At this moment, there are 6 billion, 4 hundred, 71 million, 8 hundred, 18 thousand, 6 hundred, 71 people in the world. Some are running scared.. some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day.. others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men at war with good, and some are good.. struggling with evil. 6 billion people in the world, 6 billion souls -- and sometimes...all you need is 1."’
People who like me for me, look too much like me.
“It’s hard when you miss people. But, you know, if you miss them it means you were lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing.”
“Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep people away. But to see who cares enough to tear those walls down .”
“I feel like people get lost when they think happiness as a destination. We always think that someday we’ll be happy. When we get that car or that job or that person in our lives who will fix everything. But happiness is a mood and it’s a condition, not a destination. It’s like being tired or hungry. It’s not permanent. It comes and goes and that’s okay. And if people would think that way, they’d find happiness more often.”
Someone once said that death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside of us as we live.”
“If you had a friend you knew you’d never see again, what would you say? If you could do one last thing for someone you love, what would it be? Say it, do it, don’t wait. Nothing lasts forever.”
"...You know... in life, if you let it, you can always think of reasons to give up. But if you don't, you just might find love in places you never imagined. In a new relationship or in your work... Whatever it is, just don't give up on it. And if you don't get it, well, you might get something better."
“Most people are stronger than they know. They just forget to believe in it sometimes.”
It’s the oldest story in the world. One day you’re 17 and planning for someday. And then quietly and without you ever really noticing, someday is today. And then someday is yesterday. And this is your life.
“I wanted you to fight for me. I wanted you to tell me that there’s no-one else you could ever be with and that you’d rather be alone than be without me.”
Sometimes pain becomes such a huge part of your life that you expect it to always be there, because you can’t remember a time in your life when it wasn’t. But then one day you feel something else, something that feels wrong, only because it’s so unfamiliar, and in that moment you realize you’re happy.
People say hell is endless. They say it's our worst nightmare, the face of our darkness. But whatever it is, however it is, I say hell is empty, and all the devils are here.
Every song ends. Is that any reason not to enjoy the music?
“You know, son, there's going to be lot of times in your life, when you are afraid.
Being afraid is okay. But if you don't work through that fear, you might miss out on some pretty great things…”
Regret comes in all shapes and sizes. Some are small like when we do a bad thing for a good reason. Some are bigger like when you let down a friend. Some of us escape the pain of regret by making the right choice. Some of us have little time for regret because we're looking forward to the future. Sometimes we have to fight to come to terms with the past, and sometimes we bury our regret by promising to change your own ways. But, our biggest regrets are not for the things we did…but, for the things we didn't do. Things we didn't say that could've save someone that we care about. Especially when we can see the dark storm that's headed their way…
Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering…
Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact…
When so many are lonely as seems to be lonely it would be inexcusably selfish to be lonely alone…
Believe in the possibility even when life is giving you every reason not to believe…



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